This is a blog for Mrs. Staehr's classes at Trinity. This is my fourth year teaching middle school language arts at Trinity Lutheran in Grand Island. In addition to your Reading Response Journal, we will be posting responses in this blog for your classmates to read and to make comments. This helps us create a community of learners in our class, and it gives you the opportunity to earn some extra credit points! I am excited about the new school year, and I hope you enjoy our class blog. Take a few minutes to review the postings and then respond by clicking "comments." When you are ready to post your comment then click the publish button. After reading your comment, I will post it to the blog to be viewed by your classmates.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Lutheran Schools

What makes Lutheran schools unique? Share your opinion and personal story about your experience if you choose to do so.


Anonymous said...

Lutheran schools are unique because of the probably one main topic that is taught.That common topic is Jesus. one of my personal experiances is the 6-8 graders decoraying hallways according to one of the themes. The teachers and students then vote and decide the winner by teacher and by students. Last year our class won by teachers and by students.

Anonymous said...

Lutheran schools are unique because we get to show how we know Jesus Christ our Savior. My favorite part of Lutheran schools week is that we get to do fun things during the week. I hope we do the same things that they did last year.

LR8 said...

The reason Lutheran Schools are so unique is because we can talk about Jesus without getting in trouble with our teacher and our staff. And that is one thing that is really important to me. Because throught Jesus Christ i know that I will be saved and that is really neat to know that someday when I die that i will go to heaven and live an everlasting life. And my favorite part of national lutheran schools week is that we just have a week to have fun with what we do.Plus we get to bond with our classmates and our friends. Also we get to see the real side of people come out.

Anonymous said...

Lutheran schools rock! JS8

KB6 said...

Lutheran Schools are unique because of our pride and faith in Jesus but also we play for the One in volleyball and basketball. And we show that faith we have in our games.


SMS6 said...

Lutheran schools are cool and unique because we have the chance to show our love for god and others
We do this in all sports as we play for Jesus. Lutheran schools we at trinity is a time to share gods love and celebrate being a christian.

sms7 said...

Lutheran Schools are very unique because we dont have to be quiet about God . We have the chance to speek freely about jesus, whenever,and wherever. It gives us the chance to hear what others think , comparing with what we think.

KAB8 said...

Lutheran schools are unique because you can talk about God and dont have to be scared about getting in trouble.